Sunday, October 20, 2013

Yet Another Chaotic Week

Today has been an interesting week. Can't really say it was a good week or a bad week. Its been fairly neutral.

I've learned a lot of useful and interesting skills in my Math and Physics classes. In Pre Calculus we've learned Matrices and in Physics I have learned (and am trying very hard to perfect) the science of free falling. It has proven to be a very difficult task however and I just can't seem to get a grip on it. Hope I learn it in time for the test.

As for things I would like to learn, I don't really know if I can put anything specific down other than mastering the science of free falling. I guess some general stuff would be as follows: improving uppon my drawing skills, writing skills, and comedy skills (because I dislike how unfunny I think I am).
Also, can we post videos of the week that aren't necessarily animation related?

What frustrated me? Well other than family stuff (which I'd rather not discuss) I think it would be rotoscoping. It isn't that I dislike it, but that it is time consuming. Worth all the time going into it, but tedious none the less. I have been aiming for about 15 frames/day so I will have a little bit of extra time at the end for little extra touches. Wish me luck everyone as I wish you all the same.

I always find that a good lunch can usually cheer me up. Recently I have been packing peanut butter and Nutella sandwiches to help brighten my day. That and a few garlic butter crackers. I've also find that the love and encouragement of my loving boyfriend has gotten me through the roughest and most stressful days of the week, so for that I am thankful. I would also like to thank my dear friends Emily Lawton, Regina Hoy, Joel Congi, Brian K (with whom I have been trading Pokemon cards), and any others I may have forgotten to mention. You guys all rock.

Cooliest Link Of The Week *drum roll*

This is an awesome count-down sort of video. It's 10 interesting cartoon facts. It mentions the value and number of Snow White cells. Very interesting. I don't quite understand why he is always drinking during his videos though. That personally kind of irritates me, but I can't really argue. He makes an interesting video and that's all I care about.

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