Sunday, September 21, 2014

Causing a Hullabaloo

Veteran Disney animators are attempting to bring back 2D animation with the creation of Hullabaloo, a movie about a steampunk universe following our two female protagonists Veronica Daring and Jules who share an interest in engineering. Together they must rescue Veronica's father who has mysteriously gone missing. But before Hullabaloo can be come a reality, the animators have to raise money through donations. Depending on how much money is donated by an individual, that person can receive a special gift such as web content, e-books, an art book, and concept art material. Real signs of appreciation by the animators for the generous donors who are helping to make the dream of resurrecting 2D animation a reality. If this movie is a success, then there will potentially be more Hullabaloo content released such as a web series, TV series or even feature-length animated film.

I personally believe that this is AMAZING! 2D animation has had an amazing impact on my life. I wanted to get a career in 2D animation but I've always been told that 2D is dead and I would only be able to find a job in 3D. Hullabaloo could potentially prove those people wrong and I am so excited. I am curious about the actual animation process is going to work for the movie though. Is it going to be the traditional Disney style of Cell animation or is it going to involve some computer animating programs? Only time will tell.

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